AMUNET - The best leak aggregator!

Dear Friends, On the Amunet forum, we aggregating and posting data from more than a hundreds different sources, and we will also tell you about new high sensitive leaks and news in the IT and information security.

Best Regards, Amunet Support Team


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All the info needed about advertising

If you are looking to advertise on forum Amunet you can view our rates below and contact Amunet or buy automatically ADS MANAGER 

Header There are 8 rotating ad spots available in the header spot. Your ad will display on the top of the forums. Price: $100/month

Postbit There are 4 rotating ad spots available in the postbit spot. Your ad will display after every first & fifth post. Price: $100/month

Footer There are 8 rotating ad spots available in the footer spot. Your ad will display on the bottom of the forums. Price: $50/month

Stickied Thread There are 6 stickied thread spots available in each forum. Your ad will display in the important threads section. Price: $25/month